Pastoral, Medical and Social Support

Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH)

At Seaham Trinity Primary School we recognise that support for Social, Emotional and Mental health is vital and emotional well-being can pose a significant barrier to learning. Support and Strategies include:

· Place2Talk (offers a listening service for individuals and groups who have concerns/issues)

· Place2Be offers 1 to 1 counselling services for children with particular emotional difficulties or for those suffering family trauma

· Place2Be parent counsellor

· Place2Be parents course ‘Circle of Security’

· Multi -agency working as a method of supporting children and families

· Close liaison with available services e.g. CAMHS, CAL Services

· Relaxed Kids programme being used on a need basis (promotes pupils being able to regulate their own emotions)

· A range of anti-bullying strategies

· funding additional support through the Guidance and Learning Centre (GLC) and Crisis Response (eg Waves and Willows).

· Implementation of the Restorative Approach for Behaviour

· Access to a supportive/inclusive environment e.g. ICT facilities/equipment/resources (including preparation)

· Mentoring strategies including, use of talk partners, buddying system for new starters, Playground Buddies, OPAL scheme for playground time.

· Support/supervision at unstructured times of the day including personal care

· Social Skills groups including Lego Therapy, Talkabout, Time to Talk, Nurture Hub

Support for Medical Needs

· The majority of teaching and support staff, at Seaham Trinity Primary School are trained in Paediatric First Aid.

· Individual protocols for children with significant medical needs and allergies, including lunch menus

· Individual Medical Care plans, Intimate Care Plans and Education Health and Care Plans for those children with significant or complex needs

· Provision of aids and resources as necessary to support learning

· Support and access to health visitors/school nurse and specialist medical professionals as necessary for e.g. Epipen, epilepsy and diabetes training and to update medical care plans.

· Flexibility and resourcefulness when dealing with rapidly changing needs

· Access to Homes and Hospital service for pupils with severe/long term medical needs to support learning at home

· For children with severe, complex and lifelong SEND, the frequency of such provision may result in the school applying for additional funding to support a child, known as Top Up Funding or an Education Health Care Plan.

If you would like to discuss your SEND requirements in detail please contact the school to arrange an appointment.