Sports Premium Allocation

At Seaham Trinity Primary School, we strive to promote healthy and active lifestyles and aim to provide sporting opportunities for all our pupils.

The money was used for:

1) Investing in the Easington School Sport Partnership Service Level Agreement to provide the school with the following:

  • Liaise with the school to develop an annual bespoke P.E. & Sport action plan.
  • Providing curriculum support and high quality CPD for teachers, teaching assistants, NQTs, team teaching, twilights, professional development days etc.
  • Provision of High Quality Coaching support across a variety of sports.
  • A full organised annual programme of competitions/tournaments/festivals in addition to the National School Games.
  • Participation, inclusion and excellence opportunities.
  • Access to the gifted & talented multi–‐skill academy for Year 5 & 6 children.
  • Provision of an after‐school activity in every term in a variety of sports.
  • SSP Network meetings to support PE Co-ordinators/PLTs in their role developing PE & sport within their school.
  • Identifying opportunities for young leaders to practise their skills through volunteering in schools.
  • Assistance in the process of applying for national ‘Kitemark’ status for High Quality Provision of P.E. & School Sport.
  • Promotion and development of links to local sports clubs.
  • Sustain and grow the network of Change4life clubs.
  • Central co-ordination of school sport programmes in SSP area.

2) To promote a wide range of sporting activities within and outside of school, to allow for new experiences of sport for all children.

This includes:

  • Cricket club.
  • Sunderland Association Football Club to work with children in Key Stage 1 to master the fundamental movement skills.
  • Professional development of all staff including NQTs.

Assessing Impact:

The school will assess impact in some of the following ways:

  • Analysis of the Development Plan
  • CPD list and feedback sheets to ascertain the most relevant courses/training
  • Progress towards “kitemark” status
  • List of links to local Sports Clubs
  • Change4Life Clubs
  • Participation figures in the organised, inter‐school sporting events
  • Keeping registers of club membership and attendance of after-school activities
  • Pupil feedback/conversations with pupils
  • Conversations with a sample group of parents and governors as this is a brand new initiative, the school will monitor its impact over the next two years. Our outcomes will be published on the website in due course, and as a result, the plan may be modified.
