At Seaham Trinity Primary School, we strive to promote healthy and active lifestyles and aim to provide sporting opportunities for all our pupils.
The money was used for:
1) Investing in the Easington School Sport Partnership Service Level Agreement to provide the school with the following:
- Liaise with the school to develop an annual bespoke P.E. & Sport action plan.
- Providing curriculum support and high quality CPD for teachers, teaching assistants, NQTs, team teaching, twilights, professional development days etc.
- Provision of High Quality Coaching support across a variety of sports.
- A full organised annual programme of competitions/tournaments/festivals in addition to the National School Games.
- Participation, inclusion and excellence opportunities.
- Access to the gifted & talented multi–‐skill academy for Year 5 & 6 children.
- Provision of an after‐school activity in every term in a variety of sports.
- SSP Network meetings to support PE Co-ordinators/PLTs in their role developing PE & sport within their school.
- Identifying opportunities for young leaders to practise their skills through volunteering in schools.
- Assistance in the process of applying for national ‘Kitemark’ status for High Quality Provision of P.E. & School Sport.
- Promotion and development of links to local sports clubs.
- Sustain and grow the network of Change4life clubs.
- Central co-ordination of school sport programmes in SSP area.
2) To promote a wide range of sporting activities within and outside of school, to allow for new experiences of sport for all children.
This includes:
- Cricket club.
- Sunderland Association Football Club to work with children in Key Stage 1 to master the fundamental movement skills.
- Professional development of all staff including NQTs.
Assessing Impact:
The school will assess impact in some of the following ways:
- Analysis of the Development Plan
- CPD list and feedback sheets to ascertain the most relevant courses/training
- Progress towards “kitemark” status
- List of links to local Sports Clubs
- Change4Life Clubs
- Participation figures in the organised, inter‐school sporting events
- Keeping registers of club membership and attendance of after-school activities
- Pupil feedback/conversations with pupils
- Conversations with a sample group of parents and governors as this is a brand new initiative, the school will monitor its impact over the next two years. Our outcomes will be published on the website in due course, and as a result, the plan may be modified.