After many successful years, we are continuing to use Class Dojo in school this academic year.
Class Dojo is a fantastic app with a points-based reward scheme to encourage good behaviour choices in and around school. The app also allows staff to communicate with parents, share work produced in class, send reminders of events taking place in school as well as setting homework.
Due to the current global pandemic, more of our homework will be set on Class Dojo, avoiding the unnecessary movement of books and booklets between home and school.
All children will have brought home a Class Dojo contract in September, including the terms and conditions of using Class Dojo as well as giving the school permission to have an account for your children. This is in line with GDPR requirements and a new contract must be completed each academic year.
Class Dojo is compatible with most devices and is available through the App Store and Android Play. Your child will bring home a letter with a unique parent code to set up Class Dojo and access your child’s account. Any issues setting up your child’s account please contact your class teacher, Miss Light or Mrs Maddison.
We would like to remind parents and carers that all conversations with teachers, using Class Dojo, must remain professional.
Further video guides made by Class Dojo are shown below.