
place2be_cmyk_logo-297x300About Place2Be

Founded in 1994, Place2Be is an innovative, growing charity that supports children’s emotional development by offering them a space where they can express their feelings through talking, creative work and play. Place2Be delivers a range of services directly to children, parents and staff in schools and has been working in partnership with Seaham Trinity for over 12 years.

Our Place2Be Counsellor and School Project Manager is Gill Morritt. You can contact Gill by ringing the office on 0191 581 3047.


One aspect of the service is Place2Talk – a lunchtime drop-in service which is open to all children. Our pupils can make an appointment to spend 15 minutes with a trained counsellor to talk about friendships, concerns or any worries they may have. This is a very popular service and children can attend with their friends.

More information on Place2Be, Place2Talk and all of their services can be found on the Place2Be website


Place2Talk 2023

Place2Talk Parent Carer Infomation Sheet