We have specific rules regarding school uniform and personal belongings.
School Uniform
There is an expectation that children come to school dressed in full school uniform.
This includes:
- School jumper or cardigan (plain burgundy also acceptable)
- Grey or black trousers, shorts, skirt, pinafore
- Red / burgundy check school summer dress
- Black shoes/ trainers
Reasons: The overwhelming majority of parents, staff and children expressed their preference for a school uniform. School uniform reinforces school identity, a sense of belonging and eliminates ‘brand’ fashion and stigma.
There is a large selection of second-hand school jumpers and cardigans in school, available free of charge. Please contact the school office to arrange to collect items.
Watches are the only items of jewellery which may be worn at school and these must be removed during P.E. and swimming lessons. Teachers are not to assist children with the removal of jewellery. If children cannot remove it themselves it should be removed at home on the days the child does PE. Children are not permitted to wear any earrings.
Reasons: Rings, necklaces, bracelets, earrings etc. can turn a minor incident into a major accident if caught on apparatus or entangled in another child’s clothing or hair.
PE Kit
Children are asked to wear their PE kit to school on their PE day.
Appropriate clothing must be worn for all PE activities:
- White t-shirt (or school PE t-shirt)
- Black tracksuit bottoms
- Trainers
- No jewellery
School tracksuits and hoodies are also available to purchase from JD Fashions and may be worn for PE lessons.
There is a high expectation that children wear their PE kit every time they have PE. It is a vital part of their curriculum.
Personal Belongings
The school cannot accept responsibility for the loss or damage to clothing or personal property. Toys, games and sports equipment must not be brought to school (except on special occasions when the teacher gives permission). Any money brought into school should be handed in as soon as possible and never left in trays, bags or coats. Mobile phones are not to be used at all within school times. Any mobile phones should be handed to the teacher on arrival and locked away in a cupboard. The child will only be able to access the phone again at the end of the day. A mobile phone contract should be completed, your child’s class teacher will have a copy for you to complete.
Reasons: Suitable toys, games and sports equipment are provided for the playground and indoor play. Unsuitable equipment may present a risk to children and present the potential for theft.
How To Order
School Uniform that displays the school logo can be ordered locally from JD Fashions at:
19 Church Street
County Durham
T: 0191 581 2676