Sporting Events and Achievements
As a healthy school, promoting sports and games is of great importance to us; healthy bodies, healthy minds.
We have had many successes over the years since Seaham Trinity opened its doors in 2008, particularly in sporting areas such as football, cross country, netball, dancing and gymnastics.
We are always so proud of the children when they try new sporting challenges and no matter the level of success, taking part is always key.
Mrs Hodgson and Miss Light first promoted netball in KS2 some years ago and today, Miss Donaldson has taken on the role of training and supporting our older children in this sometimes under-represented sport.
Key Steps and Gymnastics Final
Y4G and Y4C represented our school in the Gymnastics Festival showcasing a dance using skills and movements they had learnt through PE lessons in school. Both classes had stimulating and technical dances, which would have inspired any budding gymnast and credit where credit is due to the staff who spent hours tweaking and perfecting the routines.
Swimming Gala
Fantastic event and well done to all participants. They swam their hearts out and it was a very nerve-wracking wait to see which school had won? We really couldn’t call it as it was hard to keep track as it was the fasted lap out of the heats who received the points! Celebrations when it was announced that we were first! The County Durham final was tough but all of the swimmers beat their PB! They should be really proud of their achievements as much as we are. Well Done!!