Welcome to our School Council
We hope you enjoy reading about the roles and responsibilities that our elected pupils have as school councillors and also about some of the differences that they make to our school.
Miss E Howarth is our teacher in charge of overseeing School Council
Meet the School Councillors
The school council is made up of a group of children from years 1 to 6 who are elected by their peers at the beginning of each new school year. Our electoral system is based upon that of our own government which children learn about at this time.
All children who wish to be considered for a school council position write a manifesto and share it with their class. As with Britain’s electoral system the children are given voting slips with candidates’ names on and they then make their choice. This is then posted into a ballot box. Once everyone has cast their vote the class teacher counts the votes and announces the winners. Two children are selected from each class to work with Miss Howarth.
When do we meet?
The school council meet as regularly as possible, especially if we have a key focus to work on.
We usually meet on an afternoon with Miss Howarth in the library.
What are our roles and responsibilities?
We are involved with many different things in school such as improving playtimes and the school grounds. We were involved in the setting up of OPAL and resourcing our playground. One of the main responsibilities that we have is to make sure that our own class has a voice. We have all made pupil suggestion boxes for our classrooms and we look after them by collecting the class suggestion slips and making sure that there are always enough spares in class for our classmates to fill in. This is very important as most of our ideas come from proposals that pupils have posted in the boxes. We always make sure we discuss the suggestions and follow up as many of the good ideas as we can.
Do we make a difference in school?
In previous years we have helped open the new town hall with the Lord Mayor, interviewed teachers applying for posts in our school and taken part in green energy initiatives and the WOW (Walk Once a Week) scheme.
We are currently involved with the very important task of fully establishing our school as a Rights Respecting School. We have taken the first steps with our senior leaders to discuss what this means for our school and why it is so important for us and we have set up a steering group.
You can find out more about this if you click on the Rights Respecting School section. Some of the councillors have also had the opportunity to meet with the school governors to present a report about the work of the school council. They were nervous but very excited and the Governors seemed to really enjoy it.
In February 2025, our councillors from KS2 have a very exciting event to look forward to – a trip to the Houses of Parliament in London to see how our country’s government works! The children will be accompanied by Miss Howarth, Mrs Lee and Miss Clayton and we look forward to sharing pictures and stories with everyone after the event.
If you would like any more information regarding our council, Miss Howarth would be happy to help; she can be contacted via the main office.