Curriculum – RE

At Seaham Trinity Primary School we follow the Durham RE Syllabus. Through the teaching of RE, we promote and foster pupil’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development to encourage them to develop their own sense of belonging and respect for the views of others.
RE contributes to pupils’ social development as it enables pupils to use a range of social skills whilst visiting places of worship and meeting people from differing religious and non-religious backgrounds. It also gives pupils the opportunity to develop interest in, and understanding of the role religion plays in the way communities and societies function.
We provide opportunities for investigating and discussing how people make moral decisions and what people mean by the terms right and wrong. Pupils are given the opportunity to learn about how religious and non-religious beliefs can affect the values and actions of people and how these can differ. They are given the opportunity to critically evaluate people’s values and actions and reflect on their own views about a range of moral and ethical issues.

Through off site visits we provide pupils the opportunity to explore, understand and develop respect for religious and cultural diversity in the local, national and global context. Pupils have the opportunity to develop understanding about the role and influence of religion on shaping their own heritage and evaluate the issues surrounding interfaith dialogue and harmony.
In school, RE is linked with other areas of the curriculum to allow pupils the opportunity to explore and reflect on how literature and the arts are used to express beliefs and spirituality, locally, nationally and globally.
Upon leaving Seaham Trinity, pupils will have an understanding of the fundamental principles of Religion and their own beliefs, both Religious and Non-Religious, which will help them to appreciate, respect, tolerate and value the views of others around them.

Our RE Coordinator is Miss Stephenson

RE Overview